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 Video Posts

Video allows you to be concise and capture viewers' interest in the first few seconds. Social media success lies in your ability to condense information down into easily digestible snippets of content that is long enough to maintain viewers' attention but short enough to leave them wanting more.

A study by Hootsuite found that nearly half of American adults interact with companies on at least one social media channel. This makes social avenues a great route to announce and share your biggest news via video. Incorporating video across social media can explain concepts and provide interesting insights into your brand that would otherwise be very difficult to explain. The beauty of shattering your content is that you can keep a momentum going when you’re sharing your news, to have an even bigger impact.

What Some Great Points Why Videos are important?

Grab Attention!

 Video is a fantastic tool to hook your audience. Unlike a long-winded paragraph, it is extremely easy to consume.


Search Optimisation

All your content should be optimised for search engines and your videos should be no different. Social media channels are quickly becoming like search engines themselves, so it’s important that you make your content relevant.


Drive Conversions

Your call to action is your virtual handshake with your viewers. If they’ve watched a video all the way through, they have demonstrated interest.


Unique Messaging

With your call to action in mind, your video should be telling the story that leaves viewers wanting more. If done efficiently, the asset can last for months and you’ll have compelling content for the foreseeable future.


Increase Brand Exposure

A picture speaks 1000 words, imagine what a video is worth.


Personify Your Business

Videos are a great way to let your followers see the people and processes behind the business - contributing to your brand’s transparency. It’s a great illustration of the company if you can humanise what you do, after all people do business with people.

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